Saturday, January 11, 2014

Thoughts for a New Year

Here are some things high on my "used to believe and now I believe" list:
1- I used to think that every argument had to have a podium for the winner to be I just want to be able to smile and say kind words that affect more change than emotion
2- I used to think it was my job to inform everyone of their I just want to be more aware of my own
3- I used to think that if Bob Dylan became a Christian then millions would I just want my steps to be righteous to influence those within reach
4- I used to think it mattered how good I I just want to see myself as a poster boy for the satisfied
5- I used to think my language skills were of major I just want to hear what others are saying more clearly
6- I used to think where I live is a banner to be hung up for all to I just want to be able to open and shut a door that keeps me warm in winter and cool in summer
7- I used to believe that anything was possible for all I just want to be moving toward what I've been created to do

no big deal...just a new way to set my compass for the new years to Carl's good friend Tommy used to say, "Thanks for the lesson fellas!"


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